• Sale
  • $2,491.50 / 487.0 lb

  • This product is shipped Factory Direct from Rohn Tower.
  • Regular price $2,937.00

This product is shipped directly to you from the manufacturer in Peoria, Illinois. Please note, if this product is large it should be sent to a commercial facility capable of freight docking.

ROHN G-Series Bracketed towers can be installed adjacent to buildings using brackets to secure the tower along the height of the structure.

  • Completely hot-dip galvanized after fabrication
  • Cross bracing is formed by a continuous solid rod bracing fashioned into a Zig-Zag pattern for strength
  • Pre-engineered loading charts to meet varying individual specs and site conditions
  • Typical uses include: small dishes, broadband, security and two-way communication.


Download: ROHN Warranty Sheet

Download: ROHN 25G Tower Manual