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ROHN BPL25G Top Bearing Plate for 25G Tower
Long legs provide extra clearance for installation of equipment such as Rotors (Accessory Shelf or Equivalent would probably be necessary). Bolts to top of standard ROHN 25G Tower section. Pre-Drilled to accept the ROHN TB3 (2 inch) Thrust bearing. The ROHN 25G Tower can be used in guyed, self-supporting or bracketed configurations according to specifications in the ROHN Tower catalog. As a guyed structure, it can rise to a maximum of 190 feet. Consult ROHN Catalog Links at Footer Section below for ROHN 25G Tower Details.
When considering use of this ROHN BPL25G Top Bearing Plate for 25G, refer in comparison to the ROHN 25AG4 Top Cap Section. This BPL25G section by itself is UPS shippable and hence, considerably cheaper to ship. This is advantageous to consider when changing out the Top Cap Tower Section of an existing ROHN 25G Tower, because in addition, this Plate is lighter and can be hand carried. It is pre-drilled to accept the ROHN TB3 Bearings, and incorporates "ears" for Guy wire attachment.
Download: ROHN BPL25G Spec. Sheet
Download: ROHN Warranty Sheet
Download: ROHN 25G Tower Manual